
Petr Novák

Expert Institute Manager

Operates in industry: Expert Institute & Valuation
Petr has been working in the PKF APOGEO Group since 2015. In 2023 he became Business Valuaition Manager and in 2024 he was promoted to Expert Institute Manager. He has completed a number of successful litigation expert opinions regarding, for example, the quantification of lost profits, non-pecuniary damages or the area of economic competition and their review. As part of the expert office, he is in charge of managing the business section, i.e. the valuation of the business and its parts, and he specializes in the area of compensation for property and non-property damages, where he has implemented a number of contracts, for example in the fields of energy and transport. ​ ​He graduated from the University of Economics in Prague, majoring in business economics and management with a focus on financial management and valuation. He actively lectures at professional seminars at 1. VOX and at the University of Economics in Prague.​

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