6. 3. 2025
Lhůta pro podání přiznání v papírové podobě se blíží

Employers are required to submit a tax return for employment income tax for 2024 by 20 March 2025. The return includes a summary of tax withheld after tax credits and tax relief. Filing can be done through the my tax portal or by data box. Failure to meet the deadline may result in penalties, so it is important to complete and submit the return on time.
The deadline for filing withholding tax returns is also fast approaching. According to the Tax Code, the taxpayer is obliged to submit the tax return within three months after the end of the calendar year, i.e. by 1 April of the following year at the latest. For the 2024 tax year, the deadline for filing the return is 1 April 2025. The return must be sent electronically via the MY TAXES portal or a data box.
Income of natural persons subject to withholding tax includes mainly income from work performance agreements (up to CZK 10,000 per month without a signed declaration), royalties up to CZK 10,000 per month from a single payer, or payments of dividends or profit shares.
Legal entities usually encounter withholding tax in connection with payments of dividends, royalties or interest to both residents and non-residents. If the income of the legal entity is exempt from tax (e.g. dividends paid to a parent company meeting the conditions for exemption under section 19 of the ITA), no withholding is made. When income is paid abroad, the rules of international double taxation treaties apply, which may affect the tax rate or exempt the income paid from withholding tax.
If you are interested, we will be happy to help you not only with completing your withholding tax return, so please do not hesitate to contact our tax team.
Author: Petr Knotek - Junior Tax Consultant